THREE councillors have been honoured on their retirement after completing almost a century's public service between them.

Councillors, Frank Higham, Jack Tarbuck and the Reverend Jim Watson were each presented with a plaque and citation by the Mayor, Councillor Mary Leaver as they attended their last full council meeting.

The decorative plaques were presented on behalf of the council and the citizens of the borough for "dedicated service to public life".

Coun Higham, a former leader of the Labour group on the council, was elected to Blackburn Council in 1973.

Conservative councillor Jack Tarbuck has served Blackburn Council for 24 years in addition to sitting on the former Blackburn Rural District Council.

And Rev Watson, a Labour councillor elected in 1976, has been the Mayor's chaplain six times. He had previously been a councillor for Blackburn County Borough for seven years.

Tributes were paid to the three men by Councillor Ian Forrest, leader of the Conservatives, Lib Dem leader Councillor Paul Browne and Councillor Malcolm Doherty, Labour group leader.

Coun Doherty said: "I would like to pay tribute to these three individuals for the devoted and selfless service they have shown to the people of this town over many years."

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