BLACKBURN became a crime-free zone "for the first time in memory" as officers continued to target burglars in Operation Sutton.

Acting Det Chief Insp Neil Smith revealed today that not one single crime was reported to police in the town on Tuesday night. And he admitted: "It is the first time I have known there to be no crime reported whatsoever overnight.

"Crime has been killed - it is now up to us to sustain our efforts and keep it that way."

Twenty eight people have now been arrested as part of Operation Sutton, launched in the Blackburn and Darwen area by 200 officers yesterday morning.

Officers have also recovered a large amount of property believed to have been stolen.

Twelve people were due to appear before magistrates today charged with burglary and theft-related offences.

The operation is due to continue for the rest of the week.

Acting DCI Smith added: "One of the aims of the operation was to reduce crime. We also want to increase the fear of crime in the minds of the people who are committing it.

"That means there are fewer victims and fewer houses being broken into."

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