A BRIDE of four months stabbed herself to death in front of her husband during an argument with her mother over moving house, a Bury inquest was told on Thursday (May 8).

Mrs Lisa Marie Whittington grabbed hold of a kitchen knife and plunged the blade deep into her abdomen as her husband, Marvin, watched in horror only feet away.

Mr Whittington cradled his wife in his arms as he tried to stop the bleeding but she died soon afterwards.

Opening an inquest into the tragedy, coroner Mr Barrie Williams heard how the 28-year-old diabetic, who also had a heart complaint, had suffered regular mood swings following the death of her four-year-old son from a heart defect two years ago.

Married in January, the couple lived with Mrs Whittington's mother, Mrs Jacklyn Joseph, at her home in The Heys, Prestwich. The hearing was told how only two weeks before Mrs Whittington's death, her husband and mother were involved in an argument which resulted in Mr Whittington spending time away from the house.

On his return the couple agreed to look for their own home and raised the matter with Mrs Joseph on Monday evening. Another argument ensued between mother and daughter during which Mrs Whittington took a knife from the drawer and, despite pleas from her husband to put it down, thrust it into her abdomen, severing an artery.

PC Ian Glover told the inquest that he found Mr Whittington cradling his wife on the kitchen floor. Both tried to stop the blood flow and gave artificial resuscitation until the ambulance arrived.

A tearful Mr Whittington, a data inputter and telephone clerk, told the inquest that only two weeks earlier his wife, who was on anti-depressant tablets, attempted to slash her wrists and needed stitches to the wounds.

"She was prone to mood swings because of the death of her son two years ago," said Mr Whittington.

Adjourning the inquest, Mr Williams said the police would not be taking the matter further.

Mrs Whittington's brother, Mr Sean Pemberton, said after the inquest: "My sister was a wonderful girl but she never got over her son's death. She watched him die over several months from his heart defect."

Mr Whittington was being comforted by family and friends.

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