BUSINESSMAN Graham Parker is getting his winter woollies out of the wardrobe after winning his first export contract.

Graham, who runs Independent Telephone Services in Blackburn, is heading for the Falkland Islands after being asked to supply a new system.

The deal came about after the Tontine Street firm installed equipment at a North West Water site at Fleetwood.

"The electrical contractor on the job won a contract for a services base in the Falklands and rang me up from there to ask us to quote for a telephone system," explained Graham.

And over the weekend Graham got the call to confirm they had won the contract to supply and install a Panasonic system - worth about £6,000.

Now Graham is preparing to fly to the islands to install the new system.

"It is a 6,500 mile journey. I'm not quite sure how I'm getting there yet, but I think I'll be flying with the RAF."

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