POLITICIAN Tony Greaves paid the price of standing in two elections when he lost his hard-won seat on the county council.

His shock defeat at the hands of Labour's Tim Ormrod came as Labour swept to victory across the county.

Only hours earlier Liberal Democrat Mr Greaves had been beaten into third place in the general election.

The county results give Labour all six seats from Burnley and three out of six from Pendle, where the Lib Dems held on to two and the Conservatives one.

The result of the election is as follows:


Central East: Mohammed Najib (Lab); Central West: Tony Martin (Lab); North East: Terry Burns (Lab); Rural: John Eccles (Lab); South West: Irene Roberts (Lab); West: John Entwistle (Lab).


Colne: Tim Ormrod (Lab); Nelson: Joe French (Lab); Pendle East: Alan Davies (Lib Dem); Pendle North: David Whipp (Lib Dem); Pendle South: Ken Spence (Lab); Pendle West: Shelagh Derwent (Con).

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.