NELSON Football Club plan to spend their award from the National Lottery on providing disabled facilities and floodlighting at Victoria Park.

Chairman Ken Broom today expressed his delight after he and a club delegation were presented with a cheque for £46,064 on last night's National Lottery Live show.

The award was made under the Priority Areas Initiative with the bid receiving 90 per cent funding.

It is the second notable success for Nelson in the space of four weeks. Last month they won the North West Counties' League Second Division Cup, the first triumph anyone connected with the club could remember.

"That was a tremendous achievement for the club and to receive the lottery grant so soon afterwards makes this a fantastic season for the club," said Mr Broom.

"Everyone associated with Nelson Football Club is delighted.

"The total costs for the project are £51,064 so it is a substantial award that the Lottery has made.

"We hope the work will provide a valuable service to the people and the town of Nelson and are sure it will."

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