HEALTH chiefs in Blackburn are investigating a claim that a nurse discussed confidential matters outside the workplace.

The allegation was one of 34 complaints received by health watchdogs during the first three months of the year.

The familiar problem of patients being unable to register with a GP was highlighted on several occasions.

Other complaints received by Blackburn, Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Community Health Council (CHC) included:

A gripe from a man about discharge arrangements for his father.

A woman who said she was unable to obtain an assessment for her son who needed a wheelchair.

Long delays in obtaining occupational therapy assessments for children.

The attitude of a general practitioner who allegedly failed to diagnose a condition in a child which required hospital admission.

A complaint that a pharmacist had dispensed the wrong medication.

A grumble that a dentist had failed to supply dentures that fitted properly.

A woman who was angry that her GP did not refer her for appropriate treatment.

A man angry with the GP on-call system.

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