BURNLEY'S new sales and marketing team have launched a Turf Moor commercial revolution.

Under the driving force of club secretary John Howarth, the four-strong team have instigated a major drive to strengthen and promote the profile of the Second Division Club.

And top of the agenda for the 1997-98 campaign are:

A massive reduction in prices for Turf Moor's executive boxes.

An electronic scoreboard for the Cricket Field stand.

A brand new matchday programme.

A monthly Business Luncheon Club at Turf Moor to be launched on May 30.

Burnley struggled to sell the corporate facilities last season with many fans complaining that the facilities were vastly overpriced.

Now the new regime have decided to dramatically slash their prices for next season in a bid to make the facilities more tempting to the paying punter and business community.

The secretary explained: "We are making a completely fresh start on the commercial side at Burnley and our first priority will be to sell more of the boxes and make the prices a lot more affordable to fans across the board. "Our main aim is to strike up a partnership with business and the local community who support this club in such vast numbers.

"The corporate facilities were under-used last season. We will be very flexible over any requirements people have, from a small party to a big company.

"We now have a really good commercial team in place and we will all be working very hard to bring in extra income via sponsorship and advertising.

"Burnley's corporate facilities, I believe, are the envy of many Nationwide League teams and we are determined to utilise them to the full."

Howarth added: "We are also speaking to Bolton Wanderers about the possibility of buying their electronic scoreboard from Burnden Park while the match day programme will have a completely new look about it next season."

The club - who boast 6,280 season ticket holders - have already announced an admission price freeze for the 1997-98 campaign. Thousands of fans were faced with a massive hike in prices a year ago following the recent development of Turf Moor into an all-seater stadium.

Howarth added: "We want to look after our loyal fans and, at the same time, attract new supporters to the club."

A colour brochure detailing the prices for corporate facilities, sponsorship and advertising is available from the commercial department on 01282 700007 and the Business Luncheon Club on 01282 700008.

The Clarets have announced important season ticket details for 1997-98.

Renewals: All present season ticket holders will be receiving written confirmation offering them their seat for next season. This must be returned to the club, together with correct remittance, as from Monday, May 19 until Saturday, June 7 in order to secure their position for next season. Monday, June 9 until Wednesday, June 11 the ticket office will be closed for administration purposes.

Thursday, June 12 until Saturday, June 14 all renewed season ticket holders will have the opportunity to transfer their renewed seats to any unclaimed season ticket holders seats before they are put on open sale to any new business.

Monday, June 16 all unclaimed season tickets shall be put on open sale still as discount price.

Discount period ends on Saturday, June 21.

Standard prices start June 23 and there on after.

Opening times - Monday-Thursday 9.15am to 5pm; Friday 9.15am to 7pm; Saturday 9.15am to 1pm.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.