COUNCIL chiefs swept aside police fears and voted to stage two all night rave parties in Morecambe it emerged this week. Licensing bosses gave permission to hold raves until 6am at Morecambe Dome in May and June despite strong police objections. Originally party organisers applied for permission to hold a series of eight events throughout the summer. But the go-ahead has been given for just two on a trial period and under police surveillance.

Cllr Shirley Burns, of the Licensing Service Group, said: "We have to give these things a try. Drugs is a problem wherever you go, unfortunately even outside schools. If there are any serious problems with drugs then the parties will be stopped straight away."

In the past police objected to dawn rave parties because of noise nuisance, the demand on police resources and potential drug problems.

At a dawn rave last October,10 wraps containing illegal drugs, packed in the same newspaper, were discovered and police suspected a drug dealer had been operating at the event.

But David Hoyle, managing director of the Bubbles Complex which runs Morecambe Dome, said he was pleased with the council's decision.

He said: "There will be security procedures in place, everyone going in will be searched, we provide a safe dancing environment and comply with the Home Office regulations to provide free water."

Sarah Hadaway, solicitor for Lancaster City Council, said: "A special meeting will be held in July and there will be a report back from the police to see how the events in May and June went. Then the group will make a decision on the rest of the licence application."

The presence of CCTV cameras in the resort is also expected to help police keep track of events.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.