PENSIONER Marie Golden cried tears of pride when she learned a road is to be named after her late son.

The Citizen broke the news to the 67-year-old from Leyland that part of a South Ribble by-pass is to be called Golden Way in memory of her son, county councillor Dennis Golden who died in March.

Mrs Golden confessed to reporter Nicola Jolly that she was close to tears when told the name had been chosen by South Ribble's Development Services committee.

She said: "It's a lovely tribute. Dennis was a good lad who spoke his mind. Being a councillor was his life and all he worked for. He was a good son and I miss him terribly."

Plans are now being discussed for Mrs Golden to carry out the official ceremony to unveil the road sign. Other choices for the road - from the roundabout of Pope Lane/Penwortham Way to the South Ribble/Preston borough border - were Ribble Way, Lancastria Way and Peneverdant Way, after the old Norman word for Penwortham.

Mr Golden, who was single, started as a South Ribble councillor in the late seventies before moving to Lancashire County Council and becoming chair of highways.

He had been nominated to stand as South Ribble's prospective parliamentary candidate for Labour in May's General Election, but lost his battle against cancer in March. David Borrow won the seat in his place.

Colleague Coun Tom Hanson said: "Dennis was a modest man and very popular. I'm sure he'd have a good laugh to know we are naming a road after him."

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