RESTAURANT manager Karl Heaton swapped his 'Special of the Day' for a diet of bread and water!

And joining him for a 12-hour 'lock-in' at Tyldesley Police Station was his boss, Gordon Davy - manager of the Sainsbury store being built off Atherleigh Way.

The two-man gang tasted justice all in a good cause. Their aim: to raise £4,000 towards the Special Needs Olympics in Sheffield.

Lowton man Gordon (pictured left) and Carl were released from the cells at 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning. And after their taste of porridge it was straight back to work - where Carl served his boss with a tasty breakfast!

Said Gordon: "Being locked up isn't something I would recommend. But we were model 'prisoners' and didn't give the police a hard time.

"We are grateful to the senior officers and the lads at Tyldesley for their co-operation in this fund-raiser. It's good when we can all work together in partnership for the benefit of other people."

The duo were released from their cell by Leigh police boss, Supt Malcolm Howells.

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