LOVELY Laetitia Ray is certainly proving to be the golden girl of Mystique.

The sultry 19-year-old, who stars alongside illusionist Richard De Vere in the Pleasure Beach spectacular, joined the show this season and has already gone down a storm with audiences.

"I am really enjoying it," she said.

"Everyone has been really nice and I have had some good write-ups which is encouraging."

Laetitia got her big break when Mystique choreographer Antony Johns saw her performing at the dance college she attended until recently.

Recognising a potential star he took her aside and offered a place in the show.

Laetitia says: "I have done commercial work before, but Mystique is my first big contract.

"When Antony offered me a part I jumped at the chance.

"The show is like a family to all of us and Antony is really nice.

"He is always encouraging and helps us get through rehearsals."

Laetitia is originally from Scunthorpe but has lived in Essex for the past four years where she perfected her dancing and gymnastic skills.

She comes from a family of performers and as big sister to four younger siblings who also want to go into the arts, she is something of a role model.

When she finally decides to hang up her Mystique leotard, Laetitia hopes to go abroad and perhaps to model fashion.

But showbusiness is in her blood.

"Whatever I do I still want to dance and my ambition is to choreograph one day," she said.

Mystique runs until November at the Horseshoe Bar.

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