AN on-street booze ban will be discussed by Burnley councillors this week.

Areas put forward by councillors for consideration for a by-law banning drinking include the town centre.

Other problem areas are identified as the corner of Manchester Road and Calderbrook Avenue, rear of flats on Calderbrook Avenue, children's playground at Moorland Road, outside the Tim Bobbin pub, Padiham Road, recreation ground at the rear of Whittlefield School and outside pubs in Padiham Road and Briercliffe Road.

If the Public Protection Committee decides on Thursday to go ahead a preliminary feasibility study will be held.

Before by-laws can be introduced a six-month study period has to be held using police and other statistics and involving an extensive consultation with licensees, local residents, property owners and crime prevention groups.

Councillors will be told it would not be possible to include all the areas suggested because of the extensive work involved. They will be asked to decide which area, if any, should be chosen.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.