LIFELONG Burnley soccer fan Mark Fielden scored his biggest ever win when he bought a lucky dip National Lottery ticket and scooped more than one and a quarter million pounds.

Mark and his wife Jean, who keep hens and geese on a smallholding in the hills in the Burnley Road area of Todmorden, said they would spend part of their £1,278,900 jackpot on a new henhouse.

Now the self-confessed hillbilly couple are heading for the good life.

The couple said the win was certainly not chicken feed and would give them more time to look after their 14 hens, three cocks, two geese, two dogs and aviary of cockatiels, zebra finches, doves and quail.

"The win won't change the birds, they will still need mucking out," said Mr Fielden, 48, who added: "But I will be giving them some extra corn in the morning.''.

Mr Fielden first began supporting Burnley FC when he travelled to Turf Moor with his father and brother in 1957.

He is also a regular bowler at his local pub the Roebuck.

The textile engineer said local people called him and his wife hillbillies. "My father's father was a farmer, it's just something in my blood." Mr Fielden, who wore a smart suit to receive his cheque, said it was an effort getting dressed up and he much preferred going around in his boots, furry hat and vest.

The couple rent a field at the back of their semi-detached home where they keep the animals and grow vegetables. Mr Fielden has exhibited his birds at Todmorden Show over the years "for a bit of fun'' but never won any trophies.

Mr Fielden said he intended to continue working for a local textile firm but would give up the overtime. Mrs Fielden, 56, has already packed in her part-time job as a cleaner preparing caravans for hire at MG Caravans in Burnley Road.

The couple won with a Lucky Dip ticket in Saturday night's draw. They were one of six jackpot winners.

Mr Fielden said: "I watched the draw on the television and wrote the numbers down as they came up and went into the kitchen to check them through with Jean, who had the ticket. I read out the numbers and after the first three we thought we'd won a tenner.

"I read the other numbers out and Jean suddenly went into hysterics. She thought I was playing a joke on her.

"She really didn't believe me at all - she went and phoned her brother to double check the numbers with him. Once she came off the phone we were just shell-shocked."

The couple kept their winning ticket safely stored under an HP sauce bottle in their kitchen while they celebrated in the next room with their children David, 36, Michaela, 33, and four grandchildren.

They have made no definite plans for the money but will be trading in the family car, a six-year-old Ford Sierra, for a Range Rover and are planning a trip to Australia to visit friends.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.