MAY I through Journal Mailbox tell those women who dug up a bin bag full of daffodil bulbs from Firs Park, facing St Peter's school playground, they were stealing. And thanks for the mess.

Recently a couple were taking daffodils for Mother's Day. Her mother mustn't be loved if she had to have daffodils which were stolen.

Are these people aware that Cllr Brian Thomas, along with Firs Park User Group, and all the children, spent a full day planting these bulbs (and it wasn't easy) to make the park look nice for Spring. Even the children didn't take any.

I know that the park looks a mess just now but don't make it worse. It's bad enough with the carpet thrown in the bushes and household rubbish, mattresses too, and last week, at 3am, somebody shooting.

Wigan Metro will collect household rubbish such as mattresses and old furniture.

Also, when we have another clean up day, come and help. That's free too.

Firs Park User Group work hard trying to keep this park, and it is costing a lot of money. It is for you, but perhaps you don't like anything nice!

The people who do this are not from the council estate and they are not children, they are just grown up kids.

Firs Park Member

(Name and address supplied)

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.