AFTER reading the letter published in The Journal (Mailbox, June 24) from Mr Vickers, I felt I had to make further enquiries. I telephoned Wigan Bororugh planning department who were very helpful. The information they gave me clarified a number of issues I feel were misleading.

Access to the development will be from a "new" road that connects Atherton Road and Coupland Road. This road will allow direct access to the industrial estate, reducing the amount of traffic on Swan Lane and the so-called "rat run". Decreased volumes of traffic in these areas will lead to "increased" safety for resident children and especially the children who attend Sacred Heart School on Swan Lane.

Property values will probably increase and will become more saleable. High volumes of traffic usually discourage buyers.

There is one point where Mr Vickers and I agree, and that is Atherton Road is unsuitable for increased traffic. This then begs the question, why (as Mr Vickers proudly boasts in local leaflet drops) was he a member of the "successful anti Blue Route 225"? This plan was also designed to reduce congestion in the local area.

I fully support W.M.B.C. in this venture, as I feel they have the interests of the WHOLE community at heart. Perhaps the N.I.M.B.Y. phenomenon is the problem in this case.

G. Pearson

Swan Lane, Hindley Green

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