THE English won't forget Home Secretary Jack Straw's anti-English remarks at the next General Election.

English nationalism has been under attack by the main political parties and the media for a long time.

Sir James Goldsmith, bless him, spent a lot of money on his Referendum Party, doing his best to alert the British people to our treacherous politicians' actions, as they secretly sought to deprive the British people of their heritage, their country and right to self-government.

The evil Maastricht Treaty must be scrapped, Mr Blair and the British people set free from control by Europe.

Your promise of a referendum is just more of your delaying trickery and would not free Britain from Euro control.

England awake. You are under attack.

J PILKINGTON, Elm Street, Blackburn.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.