A CHRISTIAN community's dream of having a place of worship in Preston town centre has been shattered after details of the £300 million revamp were revealed.

Preston's Greek Orthodox Church community had hoped to take over the former Friendship Social Club, close to Preston Bus station, providing them with their first permanent base in Lancashire.

But their plans have been blocked at the last minute, after Preston Borough Council announced it had linked up with the Duke of Westminster's Grosvenor Estates and with various local organisations to redevelop much of the town centre, including the Friendship centre.

The group will continue to use the Galloway Hall in Brackenbury Road as their make-shift meeting place.

A spokesman for the church said: "Preston is the ideal location for us because it is in the heart of Lancashire and there isn't another Greek church in Lancashire.

"We are appealing for any suggestions about alternative sites for us."

If you know of a site, contact Gregory Baker on (01772) 466486.

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