PRESTON North End's most famous footballer Sir Tom Finney has led the tributes for former Blackpool star Sir Stanley Matthews, who died last week.

At the peak of their careers Finney and Matthews were the greatest of rivals, playing key roles in the successes of their respective clubs.

But off the pitch the two became great friends after playing together for England.

And in retirement the two remained good pals, with Sir Tom paying Sir Stan the ultimate compliment after hearing about his death.

Speaking from his Fulwood home, Sir Tom told the Citizen: "If you wanted to buy a player like Sir Stanley now, you would be talking telephone numbers in terms of a fee.

"He could easily have played today. In a game which is all about skill, he had an abundance of it." Sir Stanley joined Blackpool for £11,500 in 1948, and is best remembered for what is now known as the Matthews Cup Final, when Blackpool beat Bolton 4-3 in the FA Cup in 1953.

Sir Tom added: "Stan was so fit and he always looked after himself. That's why he was playing until he was 50.

"I have so many memories of him leaving full-backs behind. He used to leave them complete wrecks, even the quality ones.

"I don't think there are too many managers these days who would turn a player with his skill down."

The news of Sir Stanley's death at the age of 85 came as a shock to Sir Tom, who added: "I had a quiet toast to his memory and the days when we used to meet up at Preston railway station together for England games.

"We used to spend the whole journey talking football. Even last year, we met up four or five times to discuss the modern game.

"We will not see his like again."

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