REGARDING the remarks of Sheila Williams (Letters, April 13) whose 'facts' on asylum seekers show that 54 per cent are not bogus, here are two other facts for consideration.

Jack Straw, speaking on immigration on April 15, said it was "a very, very serious problem because 70,000 asylum seekers arrived in Britain last year and only 20 to 30 per cent of them had a well-founded case."

The Prime Minister's press secretary, Alistair Campbell, on April 13, said: "If you take Kosovo out of the equation, then, on the latest evidence, about 70 to 80 per cent of asylum seekers' cases are not genuine."

No wonder people are outraged when they can see their taxes being spent on so many freeloaders.


(Beardwood with Lammack Ward), Lammack Road, Blackburn.