THIS may look like just another gripe about karaoke, but read on . . .

Here is a questionnaire for council members or candidates in the local Blackburn with Darwen elections.

1. Do karaoke singers and singers who use backing tapes use more power than a disco or an artist who plays his or her own instrument?

A) yes B) no c) don't know

2. Are the banned performers any more likely to cause a fire hazard or risk to health and safety than those who are allowed?

A) yes B) no C) don't know

3. Does it make any sense whatsoever to ban certain types of act but allow others for health and safety reasons if the risks for both are exactly the same?

A) yes B) no C) don't know

If you answered mainly 'A' congratulations. You are totally misinformed and willing to blindly enforce a council ruling which has no purpose, reason or value. You will make an ideal council member.

If you answered mainly 'B' hard luck. You are obviously aware that there is no logical reason whatsoever for the enforcement of the council's ban. Try standing in another borough that doesn't support the karaoke ban (any other borough in the country, for instance).

If you answered mainly 'C' congratulations. Just the sort of council member we are looking for -- totally clueless.

Karaoke is not the issue -- it's just an example of the petty-mindedness being displayed by the current council members who are prepared to make a stance on such an issue, even to the point of sending a council official out to monitor local pubs while accompanied by a plain clothes police officer.

If council members are prepared to waste so much time and money enforcing an issue that is so blatantly pointless, shouldn't members who would direct their efforts to more relevant issues replace them?

The last question is for members of the public, not candidates.

4. Which of the above would you prefer to be running the borough, the ones that answered 'A' those who answered 'B' or those that answered 'C'?

If your answer was 'B', you know what to do at next month's local elections.

PETER BRAMWELL, North Lodge, Cemetery Road.