HUNDREDS visited the Roebuck Inn, Whitewell Bottom, Rossendale, to watch or take part in the world championship of the little known-sport of clog cobbing.

Every Easter, competitors gather to see who can cob, or throw, a clog the furthest down a path at the side of the pub. Paul King won the event with a distance of 69 ft 6ins, beating Lee McAthy into second.

Diane Mason was top woman cobber with a throw of 50 feet. Best of the lads was Joe Abbott with 51 feet, two feet more than Daniel Grey, and champion girl thrower was Sehair Amid, 46 ft 6ins, with Karrie-ann Preston second.

The art of clog cobbing involves swinging the clog between the legs a few times to build up momentum and then hurling it backwards.

The event raises money for charity, last year supporting multiple sclerosis and Rossendale Hospice.

Licensee Colin Horrocks said: "We are still deciding which charities to support this year but, judging by the numbers who have been here today, we should have a good result."

Diane Mason and Michael Mason, 11, who took out last year's ladies and junior cobbing classes, are pictured sizing up the year 2000 clog with referee Michael McCue.