I READ with interest letters regarding the secret inner cabinet meetings proposed by Blackburn with Darwen Council.

What a democratic way of going about the businesses of Blackburn and Darwen. One wonders if this idea actually originated in Whitehall or Berlin in 1939.

However, whatever its origin, if you don't like what's going on then the answer is to let them know. It's put up or shut up time: May 4 is the day.

Instead of moaning about what is going on, get out of your chair and vote. The council does just what it wants to do because they know that, come May 5, they will be back in power and the voting turnout will once again be pathetic.

So if you want to protest, do it though the ballot box on May 4 and maybe, just maybe, someone will realise that the power lies with the people of Blackburn and Darwen and not with some secret inner cabinet.

PETER CASWELL, Harrow Drive, Blackburn.