MEMORIES will live on in a village conservation area.

Commemorative trees were planted in Dam House woodlands, off Church Road, Astley by members of Morts Astley Heritage Trust (pictured).

During the years prior to the Trust's purchase of the old manor house and woodland, locals donated money in memory of loved ones to the fund-raising appeal fund.

The woodland is a major part of the Trust project and small leaved lime and feathered beech trees were planted to form an avenue leading up to Dam House.

Trust chairman Christine Jones said: "We are at a new beginning and we start now to make our own mark on this beautiful part of Astley.

"Our loved ones encouraged and supported us in our battle to save the hall and grounds and it is a fitting tribute to each of them that we plant these symbols of new growth, new beginnings and new fruits of our labours in their memory.

"These trees will grow as the project grows."

They were planted in memory of village shopkeeper Harold White, Tom and Maud Collier, John and Lee Arrowsmith, Mary and Joseph Hatton and Harold Welsby.

Memorial planting will continue (Christine Jones has details 01942 893407) under the woodland management programme led by David Appleton of the Bolton-based Appleton Group. Valuable planting and preparation assistance came from OMAT volunteers. CL