WHILE I am pleased the people of Pennington have won their battle over Taylor's Hole, I remain mystified as to how Wigan MBC's planning committee work.

A few months ago the committee were told by the chairman to disregard over 1,000 objections to proposals to build yet more houses on Belvedere Farm, what is to the people of Hindley and Hindley Green their bit of "peace and tranquillity".

Is Mr Cunliffe a fisherman? Does he live in Pennington? Or is there an election coming up that he suddenly takes up the mantle of the Green Party.

Houses in the Hindley and Hindley Green area are being built, not because they are needed, as everyone knows there are hundreds of properties either falling in to decay or cannot be sold simply because they are old.

This leaves many people like myself seeing their own property devalued and the area where they live being turned in to nothing more than urban sprawl.

The Labour Party promised less building on rural land but Wigan MBC is selling its soul under the guise of the U.D.P.

As one of those 1,000 objectors, come May 4, I will be one person who will not vote for the old Labour Party.


Corner Lane
