EIGHT churches in Haslingden and Helmshore have joined forces to celebrate the millennium with a tent mission.

A large marquee will be erected at Haslingden Sports Centre on Saturday and events will be held in the tent until July 23.

The Rev Garry Wareham, of Haslingden Baptist Church, said: "The Churches Together in Haslingden and Helmshore wanted to make the new millennium in some way which would make it a significant year and, from that, we had the idea of having a tent mission.

"Over all, the aim is to try to show the church to be relevant to the community. We are not wanting to ram the gospel down people's throats. Instead, we want to provide events that are entertaining and informative as well as challenging and to suit all ages."

On Sunday the tent will be open for the public to view and a service will be held at 6pm. All week there will be a holiday club for primary school children from 10am to noon.

In the afternoons, from 2pm to 4pm: on Tuesday there will be football training with Lancashire Football Association, on Wednesday there will be a craft session, Thursday an Olympic sports day with a difference and Friday there will be a clowning workshop.

In the evenings: on Monday there will be a disco for senior school children, Tuesday a talk from the National Children's Home, Wednesday comedian and magician John Archer will talk, Thursday the Rev Ken Howell, chaplain to Blackburn Rovers, will speak and on Friday Plummie the Clown will perform a show with the children from the workshop.

There will be a puppet show on the afternoon of July 22 and the National Theatre Company, Riding Lights, will premier their new show Rough Diamond, between 7.30pm and 10pm.

On the final day, Sunday July 23, there will be a talent show at 2.30pm and an evening service.

To book for the events, contact Garry or Julia on 01706 227395.