YEAR SEVEN pupils at St George's High School, Marton, held a special assembly to celebrate National Poetry Day last week and unveiled a verse written by Headteacher Elizabeth Warner.

The theme of the assembly was "Fresh Voices" and pupils and staff read poems they had written themselves.

New Deputy Head Dean Bullen penned a poem about his arrival at the school in September and Mrs Warner composed a response to his verse.

The Citizen has managed to get hold of a copy of Mrs Warner's poetic offering to show readers exactly what she thinks of her new deputy......

Ode To A Poet

Deputy Head Mr Bullen came to our school

And even Year 11 said "he's cool".

The teachers looked, talked and agreed;

They said to each other "He's just what we need"

But one thing is certain, his poetry's bad. If he carries on, he'll drive us all mad.

He must be told, we must do it, one said.

"But who will tell him?" "Not me!" squeaked the Head.

"He's bigger than me

He's the size of a tree!

But hang on, I know what

We'll get Mrs Scott!"

"So from here you must go

Tell him straight, he must know

As a Deputy he's hot

As a poet, he should be shot!

Go to it


Don't delay, on your way!

Be brave, try hard (I'll wait on the yard)

But whatever you do, don't mention my name

Because, imagine it, think of the shame

If the Deputy Head broke every convention

And put the Headteacher in tomorrow's detention!"