BURY'S future Olympians are to get a cash windfall which could help secure a golden future.

The borough is to share in £200,000 of Sport England Lottery funding following Britain's outstanding performance in Australia.

The aim of the Active Sports project, which covers Greater Manchester, is to encourage more young people to develop their full potential by providing quality coaching and competition.

Nine sports have been chosen, embracing athletics, basketball, cricket, girls' football, hockey, swimming, tennis, rugby union and netball. An under-12s Bury and Bolton Advanced Girls' football coaching centre has already been launched, run in partnership with Manchester County Football Association.

It will deliver high quality coaching at an advanced level. Trials for the centre are running over the next few weeks.

Girls who are interested should contact Bury's sports development officer Jackie Veal on 253 5893. Jackie also has details about hockey and basketball groups which are to be established.

Organisers hope that by creating more local coaching programmes, young athletes will find it easier to get into higher levels of coaching.

Councillor Warren Flood, Bury's sports and recreation spokesman, said the scheme was about partnership between the ten GM councils and sports groups to improve standards.

"We are giving our young people the start they need to be the best that they can be," he said.

"Many clubs, schools and individuals have been involved in the planning stages of Active Sports and all are aiming to enhance local sporting opportunities.

"It is this partnership work that will sustain and improve the programme over the next five years."