FOUR-year-old Matthew Whittle started formal swimming lessons six months ago but he took to it like a duck to water!

Water babe Matthew, of Knowles Street, Radcliffe, achieved his first swimming certificate for 25 metres a few weeks ago and has now doubled up with his 50 metres award.

He is one of many youngsters keeping the 'water safety' message afloat by learning to swim at a very early age.

Although Matthew has not been taking lessons for long, he had his first dip at a very early age. His dad Philip started taking him along to Radcliffe Pool when he was only six months old.

"If there's one thing you can do for your kids it's to teach them to swim," said Philip. "At least if he went down to the canal with his brother and fell in I've every confidence he could get to the other side."

Radcliffe pool has around 50 to 60 youngsters taking part in its classes for under fives, with a number of the them, like Matthew, capable of swimming 25 metres or more.

"The most important thing about the sessions is to give youngsters confidence rather than to teach them technique," said Radcliffe Pool manager Lianne Dooley: "It's more about whether they're confident when they're young."

"The longer you leave it to introduce them to water, if you leave it until five or six, the harder it is for them to find their confidence.

"You can't really teach them proper strokes but you can teach them that they can float and that there's nothing to be scared of."

Lessons for children over three take place throughout the week during the day at Radcliffe Pool which also has a special parent and toddler session for the under fives between 12.30 pm and 2 pm on Wednesdays.

For more information, call the pool on 253 7814.