SUGGESTIONS have been made to turn Radcliffe's new piazza into an alcohol-free zone.

In a bid to attract more people and investment into Radcliffe, a £25,000-£30,000 town centre piazza is planned with benches, a lawned area on a raised plinth and new flags.

Concerns were raised at the latest Radcliffe area board meeting that the piazza might merely provide a congregation point for people to drink, leading to a call for a possible alcohol ban.

"This is only a suggestion but we could make a by-law for an alcohol-free zone in the piazza," said Inspector John Higson.

"We could pass a by-law making it illegal for anyone to drink alcohol within a quarter mile radius of the piazza, although provisions for public houses in the area would have to be worked into the by-law." Councillor Tony Isherwood said the thought of a lawned area in the town centre "frightened" him. "The piazza could be a magnet for abuse. People might just get up to whatever they want to."

Council architect Nick Atherton argued for the piazza, saying that in the summer people could sit on the grass and it could eventually be replaced by a sculpture or water feature.

Councillor Barry Briggs, chairman of the board, added that the piazza was needed to attract people to the centre.

"We need to try to attract a new generation of shoppers. It's very positive. People will be able to walk through the piazza. People like shopping somewhere clean and friendly."

The plan for the piazza is part of the new image that Radcliffe is trying to project. Ivan Lewis, MP for Bury South, said that there had been a change in how the people of Radcliffe perceive the town.

"People are not looking backwards anymore, but concentrating on building on the strengths of Radcliffe," he said. "We are now in a transitional period. Radcliffe is on the up."