WELL IT has happened again!! Some Shambolic bunch of clueless individuals has been let loose with lots of public money and not an artistic idea between them.

It is so sad that these people have been allowed to turn our beautiful promenade into something closely resembling the Beirut border fence.

We used to have a simple string of coloured bulbs that twinkled and welcomed you as you drove into town and as jaded as it had become, it was ten times more attractive than this so called techno magic.

It is dreadful and just one more embarrassment for us as townsfolk and traders to bear.

How much more can we be expected to put up with before someone is brought to book for all the mistakes that have been and still are being made here?

We walked down the promenade tonight to attend the 'switch on' and the only people who made the effort in the diabolical weather were local townspeople and not a councillor in sight (can't have the cronies getting wet, can we?) or perhaps they were hiding because they knew what they had done and couldn't face us all.

Each time we ask for explanations about decisions to alter our town, all we get is 'It's not our fault! We weren't in power when that happened. Well you are all there now and we want to know what you are playing at, so scrape the egg off your faces and stand up and be counted because you really have some explaining to do this time!

Things haven't changed much over the centuries really and believe me when I say ' I now know how Guy Fawkes felt when he tried to blow them all up'!

Come on then, get down here and visit us in our shops and tell us what we are supposed to say to our visitors now, because we are right out of ideas this time.

We needed you to help put our town on the map, but you can't even be trusted to change a lightbulb!

Barbie Smith

