I READ with interest of the new illuminations we were to have on the Promenade and was pleased that the council were at last doing something to put some sparkle in the resort.

Saturday night, bad as the weather was, I thought I would drive down and see the 'blaze of colour,' which I had read about, but alas, not much to see.

Thinking that the very bad weather on Saturday evening had affected the lights in some way I went again on Sunday, which was a good day as regards the weather. I parked on the Promenade by the lifeboat station and I had to get out of my car to see this so called 'blaze of colour.' How anyone can call this effort 'illuminations' I cannot see. Having lived in Lancaster and Morecambe for all my 74 years and being able to remember what we had in days gone by as illuminations I can only say that once again the Council has failed, wasted money and lead us to believe that it would be a great show of lights when in my opinion it was pathetic.

There is more light and colour from the road lights and unless you go to the lighting columns themselves you cannot see anything from the road.

Once again, to me, the Council has created another fiasco to all the others we have in the resort.

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