WILLIAM Hague, the hapless Tory leader, must have gone back "on the booze" to believe that he can win the next General Election.

The Tory Party's much-vaunted draft manifesto is nothing more than a blueprint to slash investment in our public services.

Having pledged not to match Labour's spending plans, which will mean record investment in health and education, a future Conservative Government is committed to slashing £16 billion from schools and hospitals, which breaks down as £24 million pounds for every constituency in Britain!

Wow! What a vote-winner that will turn out to be. The message is clear: Vote Conservative and sack a teacher, a nurse and a policeman in every town in Britain!

William Hague is to be pitied. If this rag-bag of extremist measures is the best he can come up with after three years as Tory leader then he really is in trouble. I am sure that Mr Portillo is already rubbing his hands with glee!