A BURGLAR is believed to have launched a one-man crimewave throughout Great Harwood, breaking into five houses in identical fashion.

Police are now urging residents in the town to make sure they leave their houses secure and keep an eye on neighbours' homes for anything suspicious.

Five terraced houses have been broken into since the start of November.

The criminal has broken into each of the houses by going through the back yard of the property, smashing a window in the back door and then scouring the house.

Inspector Steven Lee of Great Harwood Police, said: "In the most recent incident the burglar had to leave before he could take anything because he had been disturbed.

"He had already started piling up the stuff he wanted so he knows what he is doing.

"All the burglaries are identical so we are confident they are linked."

Houses raided so far have been on Hambledon View, Moss Street, Lime Street, Russell Place and Hesketh Street.

Insp Lee said: "They are all terraced houses but they have been across Great Harwood.

"It is vital people lock up their homes and make sure they report anything suspicious going on around them."