BEAT the Christmas rush and book wheelchairs and other medical equipment now.

That is the message from Lancashire Red Cross Medical Loans, which says Christmas is one of its busiest times of year.

Gordon Chapman, medical loans co-ordinator for Lancashire, said: "During the holiday period families often need medical equipment for ill or frail visiting relatives. The more notice we get the easier it is to supply the demand."

The service provides equipment, such as wheelchairs, commodes, back rests and bathing aids, which are essential items for people coping at home with disabilities or sickness.

Equipment is available for short-term loan, but may also be purchased, with any profits made being used to expand the service in Lancashire.

Lancashire Red Cross has 11 outlets throughout the county manned by dedicated volunteers.

It has already helped more than 1,200 people with the loan of equipment so far this year, making it the service's busiest year on record.

Anyone wishing to borrow, buy, volunteer or donate to the service is asked to telephone 709555 without delay.