OUR new bridge seems to be coming in for a bit of stick from the vocal few who don't like the look of it.

Personally I think it is stunning, and a whole lot better than the drab designs that the moaners and dullites would no doubt have preferred. (Do any of these people find the Greyhound Bridge and its stream of traffic lovely to look at?)

More importantly than matters of taste, however, the new bridge will be beautiful to use - as compared to the vile and dangerous conditions that pedestrians and cyclists currently endure on the existing bridges.

Of course, Skerton Bridge is classy to look at, but just try getting out of your car - how aesthetically pleasing is it to breathe the pollution, and to experience the whoosh of vehicles within inches of your body whilst struggling to pass others or to have a civilised conversation!

So roll on the opening day of the Queally Wheely Bridge - it's going to be great.

Sue Holden

Williamson Rd
