PENSIONERS Jean and Denis Norton have thanked the manager of their sheltered housing scheme by presenting her with a top national award.

Ivy Court in Pitt Street, Fingerpost, is one of 56 sheltered schemes run by Riverside Housing Association, which have been hailed as models for others to follow, after all winning the same top award.

The Code of Practice Awards from the Centre for Sheltered Housing Studies (CSHS) recognise excellence of service in sheltered schemes.

And Jean, 69, and Denis, 74, showed their personal appreciation of the accommodation when they presented one of the awards to Betty Muse, manager of the Ivy Court sheltered scheme, where they live.

A CSHS assessor praised Riverside for "an excellent portfolio in all standards of the code. It demonstrates throughout a real commitment to developing working practices which are very clearly tenant focused."

Chris Emery, Riverside Customer Services Manager, said: "It's great to get awards like this -- especially for the staff who worked so hard to achieve the high standards demanded. Most importantly, it tells tenants the kind of service they can expect from us."