ST HELENS & Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust has issued a statement regarding Michael Abrams, who is a patient at the Scott Clinic in Rainhill, following recent reports in Sunday newspapers that may have sparked concerns among St Helens residents.

The statement said: "Recently both the Sunday Mirror and Sunday People ran stories regarding Michael Abrams, a patient at Scott Clinic. There were a number of inaccuracies that could give rise to concerns to the local population. The St Helens & Knowsley (NHS) Trust would wish to reassure its local residents that what was reported was both inaccurate and an invasion of privacy to the patient and Hospital Trust. This had the consequence of distressing and alarming our local population.

"The facts of the matter are that Mr Abrams is not allowed visits to the village, escorted or otherwise. He is allowed supervised walks within the grounds of Scott Clinic. He leaves the grounds only for necessary reasons i.e. hospital appointments and two staff supervise these visits in secure transport".