THE housing benefits department closed its doors to the public on Friday evening, April 20, and will re-open on Monday, June 4 -- a period of over six weeks.

During this time the department will not answer telephone calls, assist with the completion of forms or in any way help with any queries which may arise.

This is said to be to enable the department to clear its backlog of claims some of which are six months old.

This is not a courageous move, in doing this they have abdicated their responsibility to new claimants and anyone wishing to change accommodation during this period.

If the council is not capable of maintaining staff and keeping up with changing legislation whom do we turn to?

It is amazing that the council is so incompetent at paying out benefits yet very efficient when collecting community charges etc. As this is the second time that this department has closed are we to assume that this is to be an annual occurrence?

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