THE answer to Lesley Richards' jealousy of teachers (Journal, April 20) is simple . . . she can join!

She may have noticed there are a large number of vacancies as teachers are leaving in droves. She has presumably needed the benefit of a university education to do her present job and so would qualify for all those lovely holidays (perhaps she could teach Media Studies). It must be a lot easier than spending a whole week producing a half page of the stuff she turns out in the Journal.

I think that it might be fair to point out just a few snags such as the 'holidays' are for the pupils and she might be expected to do some work at home (probably a lot less than she is used to?) There would be several hours to do each evening and each weekend but I imagine she is used to that as well. Finally she could look forward to the wholehearted appreciation of the politicians and media for her efforts as a teacher. Give it a try Lesley, spend a day in a school. Let me know when you would like to arrange an exchange, I know someone who thinks she might like to try your job!

Teacher's Husband


(Name and address supplied)