IN the Radio 4 Easter Sunday broadcast from Liverpool Cathedral it was thrilling to hear Bishop James emphasise his belief in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It's tragic to think that for millions in Britain this most wonderful event in the history of the world means absolutely nothing. Because Jesus came back from beyond the grave, as He said He would, it confirms that everything He taught about heaven and hell was true. It is therefore important that we examine the evidence then make sure we know where we're going.

'The Evidence for the Resurrection' is the title of a pamphlet written by the late Professor J.N.D. Anderson, O.B.E., L.L.D., F.B.A., Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.

He begins by stating that the resurrection is either the supreme fact in history or a gigantic hoax. After examining all the evidence he concluded that it was not entirely credible, but absolutely incredible if this unique person had NOT risen from the dead.

St Luke, who was a very accurate historian, tells us that "Jesus presented Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs." Not the least of these was the integrity of the witnesses.

St Paul knew many of them personally and could confidently write about over 500 people seeing Jesus alive after His death. Without fear of contradiction he could say to Festus the Roman governor, "This was not done in a corner." Tens of thousands had been transformed through His death and resurrection power.

Jesus rose bodily from the tomb. He was no ghost. People could feel His flesh and bones and eat with Him. He alone speaks with supreme authority and can even promise His followers immortality! Do read the end of all 4 gospels plus Acts chapter 1 and 1 Corinthians chapter 15