THERE'S not a lot more claustrophobic than being jammed in the middle of a row of three seats on a plane -- especially on a long haul flight.

We all know what it's like heading for our hols in the sun in a skybound sardine tin.

Recently another fear of flying has emerged -- as if it's not bad enough already -- developing a fatal blood clot while cramped into a space not big enough for a tiddler.

Of course, some bright spark, in this case a pilot, has invented a simple device which could stop passengers developing economy class syndrome or deep vein thrombosis.

It's called the airogym, a small inflatable cushion which, when put under the feet and pumped to simulate walking, increases blood flow in the legs.

Some fliers won't need one, they spend enough time strolling about the cabin bothering the flight attendants at their work.

However, even for those too scared to leave their seats they're not a necessity either. It's easy enough to simulate walking while seated without have to pump a cushion.

Anyway, anyone off to Dubai will be able to try one for themselves. Emirates Airlines will be the first to issue one free to all passengers.