A POLICE chief today rebutted a teenage tearaway's claims that his life had been ruined and said a town was well rid of him.

Inspector Bob Ford, the policeman who arranged the request for an Anti Social Behaviour Order against Lee Birkett, was joined by Hyndburn MP Greg Pope in condemning the 18-year-old nuisance's claims as 'nonsense.'

Birkett tackled Home Secretary Jack Straw last weekend to say the ASBO had been a waste of time.

He had been the first juvenile in East Lancashire to be served with an order -- a new power given to local authorities to punish people who have persistently caused harassment, distress and alarm.

Hyndburn magistrates served the order last year after being told by police how Birkett had terrorised people in Great Harwood with his drunken antics.

Birkett said he was homeless and said he was determined to commit crime because it was the only way he could end up with three square meals a day and a bed to sleep in at night.

He added: "The ASBO hasn't worked, it has made me worse. I now think 'What the hell? I might as well do it.' It is the only way I can get anything."

Insp Ford was in charge of Great Harwood Police at the time the order was made.

He said: "If he wanted to go straight, the ASBO would have helped him but he moved to Blackburn. He has been the master of his own destiny.

"Lives have improved no end in Great Harwood. It was his own choice to leave the town. The support is there if he wants it but he shuns it time and time again."

Hyndburn MP Greg Pope, who lives in Great Harwood, said today Birkett's outspoken statement was proof the ASBO was needed.

He said: "This just shows that we were right to bring ASBOs in in the first place.

"He made people's lives a misery before the order was imposed on him.

"I've no sympathy whatsoever for him. My sympathy lies with his victims.

"He has had a long chat with the Home Secretary and he has an opportunity to go straight. It's up to him.

"If he is determined to go to prison again, good luck to him.

"We haven't ruined his life, he has."