YOUTHS who make life a misery for residents were one of the topical crime issues discussed when MP Ivan Lewis came face to face with Radcliffe police officers in the front line.

The Bury South MP had an informal chat with the PCs on Monday (April 30) to discuss their experiences in the continuing battle against crime.

One of the common concerns was the increase in youngsters in some areas, albeit a small minority, who caused a nuisance to residents.

Mr Lewis said such anti-social and criminal behaviour was often linked to underage drinking.

"It is hoped the policy of involving parents in such circumstances will begin to make a real difference.

"In addition, a concerted effort is being made to clamp down on underage drinking by targeting unscrupulous local retailers who sell alcohol directly to youths or through irresponsible adults."

He said they spoke about a wide range of subjects, including recruitment and retention policies, the use of new and existing police resources, reform of the police service, and sentencing policies.

Mr Lewis added: "It was refreshing to participate in a positive and constructive two-way dialogue with people who work in the front line against crime.

"I came away very impressed by the constables' honesty and obvious commitment to providing the best possible service to residents."