A £800,000 building programme will give high school pupils the best possible help in developing art and language skills.

This week Leigh MP Lawrence Cunliffe cut the first sod for the new development at Mornington High in Hindley which is being funded through the DFEE under the New Deal for Schools programme.

It will replace an existing unit and enhance the opportunity for pupils and staff to develop further the excellent work which goes on in both art and languages departments.

Mr Cunliffe was assisted by pupils Nicola Sudworth and Michael Reading who were chosen because of their success in gaining merits throughout the year.

Steve Leigh, head of expressive and creative arts at Mornington, said: "I am very excited about the prospect of working in the new building as are the pupils."

Foreign languages head Dennis Balmer shared his optimism: "This creates a massive new learning environment for modern foreign languages. Both pupils and staff will surely seize this superb opportunity."

Other VIPs at the ceremony were Councillor Stuart Shaw, chairman of the governors at Mornington High, school head Mrs Jane Lees and Peter Glenn, managing director of F Parkinson the firm contracted to build the new block.