AT long last, we have the result of the Xanadu inquiry -- and, despite the shenanigans of Labour councillors -- the inspector has found strongly in favour of residents who opposed the monstrosity.

Residents did not want this 'playground for the rich' dumped on the few remaining green fields, with loss of sunlight, increased air and noise pollution, and gridlocked roads. This was too high a price to pay for a few low paid part-time jobs.

Contrary to what some well-meaning local business people believe, Xanadu would have been another excuse to bypass the town centre, driving yet another nail in the coffin of once proud Leigh.

Local labour politicians controlled from Wigan have worked hand in glove with faceless people interested only in profits, not caring one jot for the people who live here. Thank goodness common sense has prevailed.

My fear now is what alternative plans Lord Peter Smith and his Labour lackeys will seek to inflict on us in place of Xanadu ...

Peter A Hough

Chairman Leigh & Lowton Liberal Democrats