A PUB on Broadway, Accrington? No shortage of customers -- local landlords and landladies drowning their sorrow at the fall-off in trade.

Shopkeepers crying in their beer over ever-higher plate glass insurance; Council workers 'getting over' sweeping up broken bottles and glasses and vomit;. Off-duty policemen trying to forget the last punch-up with the lager louts.

Councillors having OK'd the pub celebrating another fiasco la bus station, and of course the town centre tipplers with an even shorter trip to replenish supplies.

Yes, what Broadway needs is a boozer, slap bang in the main shopping area.

So come to Accrington and shop in a pleasant, litter-free, nice friendly, peaceful, safe area. Stroll along in the evening to muted strains and exchange badinage with the 'merry' staggering, town centre night owls.

Yes, we really do need a pub on Broadway!

D PRATT (Mr), Plantation Street, Accrington.