SEARCH any computer's clipart for a graphic to represent the theatre and you'll get the well-known symbol of masks representing comedy and tragedy.

This centuries-old image gives 'Northern Broadsides' its unique rationale. They perform two plays in tandem, using the same actors, juxtaposing the comedy and tragedy of life.

This season it's 'The Cracked Pot' and 'Oedipus'.

This play, written in 1810 in Germany, re-set in Skipton, has been not so much updated as used as a seedbed for uproarious word-tingling dialogue, that crackles along in Rabelaisian fashion, drawing into itself the Wars of the Roses, long outdated dialect expressions, bawdy wit and cunning, connivances from the clearly guilty party.

The not so much cracked, as completely shattered, pot is a metaphor for the loss of virginity of Eve (Michelle Hardwick).

The venal, corrupt upholder of the Law, Judge Adam is played in a bravura performance by Barrie Rutter, who also directs both plays.

Teamed with Oedipus the classic tale of guilt, it provides a study of the guilty getting away with his crimes, humour being used to diffuse the anger of great injustice. I look forward tonight to see how culpability overwhelms and drive the guilty to their doom.

Bolton Octagon - BRENDA KEAN