ELDERLY and vulnerable people across Bury are being invited to help ambulance staff called to their home by filling a bottle with life-saving information.

The "Message in a Bottle" scheme uses a small plastic container, which people store inside the fridge in the event of an emergency.

Stickers placed on both the front door and fridge door are used to alert members of the emergency services, who have been made familiar with the scheme, that the bottle is there.

Information stored inside the container reveals vital details of allergies, illnesses and contact details, to help medical teams administer quick and effective treatment, even if the patient is unconscious.

The launch of the scheme by Bury Lions Club follows a similar initiative launched earlier this year by the Ramsbottom and Tottington based Peel Lions Club.

Bottles are available free of charge to potential patients, with the full cost of the scheme borne by Bury Lions.

Scheme chairman John Cullen from the Bury Lions said: "Other Lions clubs have been running schemes like this before us and it has taken off nationally.

"They have had complete success with them and we are given to understand the idea has been saving lives in other parts of the country."

The group plans to use doctor's surgeries, medical centre and chemist shops to distribute containers with medical forms inside them. They are also available by calling 761 1019.