WITCHES and warlocks will be strictly banned from a special Holywe'en party tonight where the focus will be entirely on treats and no tricks.

Children from the Huncoat parish of St John with St Augustine will attend the Bolton Avenue church for a variation of Hallowe'en in a bid to celebrate Christianity rather than the pagan rituals which are more familiar with October 31.

Marian Whitehead, one of the organisers who also runs the Sunday School at St John's Church, researched the issue with the help of literature at Blackburn Cathedral and has put together the evening to celebrate the lives of saints instead.

The church of St Augustine's will be illuminated by candlelight on the eve of All Saints Day and children will be told stories about five saints and martyrs who died because of their faith including St John the Baptist who was beheaded.

Mrs Whitehead said: "As Christians we shouldn't really be celebrating witches and things."

The children have already decorated shields for their favourite saint and they are invited to dress as saints on the night. After a supper and a sing-a-long the youngsters will then be tested on their new found knowledge in a fun quiz.

The evening will also feature games.

The Rev Ian Robertson said: "I would hope that the themes behind Hallowe'en are taken lightheartedly, but it is a good thing that the children are being given an alternative."